Transitional Stages

Transitions can be overwhelming and scary – so much so that many of us decide not to change, take that new job, start a new relationship, or explore our identity for fear of failure.  Do you know that feeling?  It’s just TOO BIG.   Have you ever wished you had made a change, but didn’t?  I can help you look forward instead of dwelling on the past.  Or perhaps you have made a big change recently – you know that the post-transition period can be daunting.  There’s a whole new set of skills to learn, and new pitfalls to avoid.  I get it.  And you’re not alone.  It’s normal to second guess your decisions when things get tough.  It’s normal to fear failure – which can leave you scared to start the change process.  I get you.  As your counselor, I can guide you to navigate transitions with confidence, overcome challenges with resilience, and keep a positive mindset.

Some transition areas where I have helped others include:

  • High school to college – so many choices to make!
  • College to job market – a new level of responsibility!
  • Job Change or move – new people, places, and challenges!
  • Relationship change – can be exhilarating but also scary!
  • Identity exploration or change – it takes courage to live as your true self!
  • Racial tension and identity – where do I fit in?

Highly Sensitive Persons

Do lights, noise, people, or varying temperatures create anxiety or distress?  Do you need help navigating the world?  Do simple tasks overwhelm you?  Do you struggle to communicate your needs and maintain healthy boundaries?  Maybe you find that everyday tasks leave you tired and depleted?  I see you and I feel your struggles.

Overcoming this challenge starts with self-acceptance!

I understand you as a highly sensitive person and recognize the unique strengths that you possess.  I can help you build the skills and confidence to consistently communicate your needs and make healthy boundaries the norm, not the exception.  Through counseling I can also help you learn better self-care, which will better allow you to live in the world and have healthy relationships with others.

Chronic Illness / Medical Conditions / Injury

Has a chronic illness or medical condition left you feeling depressed and disconnected from friends and family?  Or perhaps you are a caregiver for a child, adult, or elder that demands your time, resources, and energy?  I’m familiar with these feelings, and trust me, they’re completely normal.  I believe each of us has an innate strength and resilience that we can tap into in times of crisis.  Let me help guide you past fear, and toward living boldly.  One day at a time.

Does your chronic illness require you to make significant changes to how your live – move, breathe, eat, speak, hear, see, or be in the world? 

Practicing self-care, and loving yourself through a chronic illness or injury can be difficult… but it is well worth the effort!  Depression and negative thinking patterns may leave you feeling depleted, hopeless, or stuck.  My role as your therapist is to help you challenge negative thought patterns, and regain your innate energy and vitality!

As someone with an autoimmune disease myself, and as a daughter of a now deceased chronically ill parent, I know the daily struggle.  I want to help you build your emotional coping skills and reassure you – YOU ARE NOT ALONE.  We can take concrete steps to break negative thought patterns, increase self-acceptance of your condition, and encourage you to define yourself (vs. letting your disease define you).

You deserve to take back your autonomy.  I can help you accept where you are and move towards growth and positive outcomes.

Body Image / Body Acceptance

Body acceptance is loving your body, being in your body, speaking nice to your body, and moving your body in a way that feels good and promotes health.  Seems simple, yet many of us struggle daily to make it happen.  Who am I talking to here?  Everyone!  No one is immune to struggling with body image or body acceptance.  Culture tries to define what an ideal body looks like and trying to live up to unrealistic expectations is stressful.  I get it.  Whether you are struggling with liking your body, or you are trying to love your body despite an injury, I can support you and help you achieve your goals.

Whether you exercise or not, EVERYONE faces body acceptance issues.  Maybe you are an athlete who struggles with demands placed on your body composition in sport.  Or maybe you are a non-exerciser who is attempting to start an exercise program but who is feeling nervous about moving your body or wondering what your body is capable of.

As a positive body image activist, I can help you learn to address the underlying factors that contribute to your body challenges, and move toward redefining your mindset to support positive self-talk, growth, love (towards yourself), and a healthy relationship with movement and exercise.

Next Steps…

Have any of these challenges resonated with you?  Let me know.  Let’s see if counseling is a fit for you over a free 15-minute consult.

Get Started!